Aurora Pong Clock

Hi Guys’

I saw the pong clock and thought it was really good and was hoping to just have it by its self without Aurora…
Is it possible to just have ClockPong.h run all alone? I was thinking as i have the smartmatrix clock demo running rite now to add it into that.
Would this be difficult?


Hi Daniel, @Jason wrote that and I’m not sure how easy it is to extract just a clock from Aurora and have it run on it’s own. My guess is it’s not trivial to do. Why do you need it to run outside of Aurora?


Hey Daniel, the Pong Clock is based on Paul Kourany’s port of Pong Clock GitHub - pkourany/RGBPongClock: Adaptation of RGBPongClock for Spark Core including webhooks

Which is based on Andrew Holmes’ Pong Clock: GitHub - twonk/RGBPongClock: RGB Pong Clock for Arduino Mega and Adafruit 32x16 RGB LED Matrix

Which, in turn, is “Inspired by, and shamelessly derived from Nick’s LED Projects”:

While I don’t have a standalone version, it should be pretty easy to get one of those implemented. Let us know here if you have any specific questions, issues, etc.

Good luck, can’t wait to see it!

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Hey guys thanks for the reply’

Just thought it a good project to learn a bit and i do love the old school games, i could run it in Aurora but im slowly making a desk clock for my self and wanted to do things my way i guess lol

Just wondered how difficult it would be to do before i started and how linked it is to Aurora? What other files it relies on and where i should be looking to start.
I was thinking i could add it as another function in my sketch that ive been slowly building up once i get it running alone.
I’ll give it a try, hopefully i dont ask too many questions of you guys.


@Jason may have a different opinion, but I think you should start with one of the earlier versions of the Pong Clock, e.g. Paul Kourany’s port of Pong Clock, which should be easier to run on its own then trying to extract the Aurora version out of Aurora. Take a look at all three of the early versions and see which one you think is easiest to get working with the SmartMatrix Library.

Thanks Louis, thought the Aurora version might be easier but you would have a better understanding so i’ll give them all a look…