Noisy analogReads when running matrix

Teensy 4.1 - the instant I run matrix.begin() my analogReads become noisy. The only setting that seems to affect the noise is the panel dimensions - the larger the dimensions, the more noise.

Any clue how to fix (or at least mitigate) this?

I think I’ve confirmed that it’s not noise from the wiring - I hooked up a second microcontroller to the same wires while the Teensy drove the panels and its analogReads were noise-free.

The only setting that seems to affect the noise is the panel dimensions

Changing the actual panels that are connected or just changing settings?

What pin(s) are you using for ADC reads?

Maybe there’s some conflict with analog reads and the hardware for driving the panels. You might ask on the PJRC forum, or maybe @easone knows.

Changing the actual panels that are connected or just changing settings?

Just changing settings.

What pin(s) are you using for ADC reads?

A0-A7 (14-21)

Oversampling seems to have mostly fixed the problem and I think that’s the best it’s going to get unless I set up an external ADC.