SmartMatrix Library 4.0 - Changes to MatrixHardware #includes

I’m not sure how to help you as you’re not giving me much information to go on. I’ve answered some of the questions you asked above already. If you want more help, start from the top with what you’re trying to do by swapping the Teensy 3 to the Teensy 4, what hardware you’re using, what Arduino sketch you’re using. You can’t just swap a Teensy 3 for a Teensy 4 on the same hardware. You can’t drive a HUB75 panel directly from a Teensy 4, like your hardware appears to be doing with a Teensy 3.

I already sent you the library that I was using for teensy 3.

what i can do is send you the arduino code that i used that with teensy 3.2 that works flawlessly.

at the hardware level I use teensy 3.2 with the 74LS123D chip and with three resistors and four smd capacitors

code teensy link

You can’t just replace the Teensy 3 with the Teensy 4, you’ll need to look at the SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4 design, get a latch chip at a minimum (but the buffer chips are recommended as well) and then wire it all up. Or you can buy the SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4. Are you prepared to do that?

Thanks ,because, but then it can’t stop working changing teensy3.2 for teensy4.0 ?

but still the question of getting the smartmatrix4 library to work for teensy4.0 and to work with code

In addition to the challenges I posted above, I found this in the repository for the code (I don’t know why you didn’t send me a link to the code in the first place instead of zipping up files): GitHub - ecurtz/RGB_DMD: Display Pinball DMD signals on RGB LED panels using a Teensy Development Board.

SmartMatrix is used for outputting the signal to the RGB matrix. Link is to my fork which is required for hardware compatibility and has some optimizations.

So you’d not only have to get SmartMatrix Library 4.0 running on your hardware, but then need to modify SmartMatrix Library to match the changes ecurtz made in his fork of SmartMatrix Library 3.2.

And it seems like the only reason you’re doing this is because Teensy 3.2 might be discontinued someday? “Teensy 3.2 will be around for quite some time”

I suggest you just keep using the Teensy 3.2 and then if someday they’re discontinued, hopefully someone in the pinball DMD community will take on the project to port to Teensy 4.0 (or Teensy 5.0 or whatever’s around then)

Thanks ,I didn’t remember that.

yes teensy 3.2 can be discontinued one day and teensy 4.0 has better processing than teensy3.2.

I want to switch to teensy4.0 but I don’t know much about programming and I still haven’t managed to run smartmatrix4 with the code without giving errors.

ecurtz developed the code and the hardware.

if on the hardware only teensy3.2 is changed by teensy4.0 adjusting the smartmatrix4 library to work with the code is it possible to work?

It’s possible but not easy. I’ve exceeded the amount of time I have to help you, sorry. Maybe ecurtz or someone else can help.

Thanks , using the smartmatrix4 library can I copy the file MatrixHardware_RGB_DMD.h from smartmatrix3 to it? the scene is what changes do i have to make in smartmatrix4 to not give errors and work with the code? any way of making any changes to smartmatrix3 to work with teensy4?

I have a problem in the teensy 3.2 on some pinball machines the display turns on well but then jumps to the right side eating letters and numbers

Hi Louis,
I might be reinventing the wheel, but perhaps you could give a link to a sketch that draws a 16 x 32 rectangle in red green then blue ( to map the rectangle size ) , then briefly light every pixel in turn.
Let them post a video the resultant display, and write some code to firstly size and color check the rectangles, then map the sequence of positions of the pixels, to produce a corrected display ?
I am trying to get a Chinese P10 board to work as expected , and it is driving me nuts.

That’s a reasonable suggestion, but anyone can write this code and submit it for merge, including you :slight_smile:
I wrote similar code for my GFX library I on top of smartmatrix to solve similar issues with neomatrix panel mapping and configuration.

See SmartMatrix_GFX/MatrixGFXDemo.ino at 3fe127f267b3b85b8a5b3c02335d584516c94d55 · marcmerlin/SmartMatrix_GFX · GitHub