Teensy 4.0 Released

I was really excited to try @easone’s port this weekend, and so far in my limited testing it’s working great!

The SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4 prototypes are ordered, but realistically it’s going to be a couple months before they’re available for purchase. In the meantime, I just designed an adapter board that takes a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1, and slides into the SmartLED Shield for Teensy 3. The unused signals on the Teensy 4 are brought out to the connectors, though most pins are in different positions as the Teensy 3 and Teensy 4 SmartLED Shields require different pins.

I don’t plan on selling this adapter, but you can order the PCB from OSHPark ($7.45 for three boards shipped!), and consider ordering a Teensy 4.0 at the same for only $18! I just ordered the boards myself, so if you want to be safe you should wait until I get them and test before placing an order.

The adapter plugs into the SmartLED Shield with 2x 14-pin headers, the same type you’d use for a Teensy, but in the outer row of holes instead of the inner row. You attach the Teensy 4 to the adapter directly, or with female headers. For the most low-profile setup, you’ll need to solder the Teensy 4 directly to the adapter, then trim any long pins underneath, which would otherwise contact the pads on the SmartLED Shield, or use headers with a short tail (less than 0.1") under the Teensy. If you want to be able to remove the Teensy 4, then use 2x 14 pin female headers.

I’ll post pictures explaining this more after my boards arrive.

The easiest way to order from OSH Park is by using this link to the shared project on OSH Park



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