AnimARTrix for SmartMatrix development updates

I’m experimenting with domain warping in a polar coordinate system.

This is how it looks.

This animation will be part of the examples.

Not sure if I keep it in the final release but with temporal dithering animations can also be blended together without any loss of color depth.

2 animations at the same time consisting of 6 layers each.


If I had a couple of beers on hand, I could stare at this all evening long! :grinning::beers:

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Ha, try this hypnotic one - I bet after 1-2 minutes it catches you! :wink: Enjoy the preview, code release is in 2 weeks.

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Today I released the code for everything I showed here in the last months: GitHub - StefanPetrick/animartrix at AnimARTrix_SmartMatrix

It’s tested on 32x32, but scaling up should be no problem.

Confirmed to run on 64x64

I intended to develop a user interface for controlling AnimARTix parameters. However, I got a bit carried away and ended up creating a simulator instead.

This simulator allowed me to delve into the concept of transitioning between different parameter sets. Initially, I constrained the parameter ranges to prevent visual blackout or flickering in edge cases. Subsequently, I randomly selected parameter sets and interpolated between them. Additionally, I incorporated some easeInOut functions for more interesting transitions. Finally, I introduced a second layer.

This appears to be a promising approach towards creating a generative animation synthesizer. Ultimately, the goal is to run this standalone on a Teensy + LED matrix, generating continually new patterns and animations.

This is early work in progress, more parameters and more layers will be added, and the smoothness of the transitions will be improved.

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Short update: Improved visual quality and overall look and feel. The little bar graph under the Shuffle button indicates the progress of the transition between parameter sets.

Now, a Full Auto mode is present, too, meaning to periodically trigger a reshuffling of all parameters.

I’m coming closer to the desired effect of the transitions looking better than the individual animations.

Love it! Very smooth transitions, would be hard to spot without seeing the two patterns on the side

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Yeah, I love it, too! This approach really has potential!

Here a more complex version with 4 layers and in slow.

And here showcasing fast changes. Like for a Mood Lamp that has only a “Next” button for program change.

And this is one comes with a different set of paramer restrictions.

@StePet : I don’t have time to play with this, this moment, but it does look really cool.
Could I convince you to port it to framebuffer::GFX so that it works on 8 different hardware backends including on linux if you don’t have hardware on hand for the size you’re testing?
Have a look at

If you’re using fastled code, you can use this example:

or if you just want to use adafruit::GFX coordinates, you can simply use
matrix->drawPixel(boid.location.x, boid.location.y, color);
and matrix->showI()

this page explains in more details:

and this is how big it can get in hardware

or unlimited on linux emulation:

Really inspiring stuff! When I make the time to get back to this project, and finally port it to Teensy, would you be willing to run some tests on your high-resolution LED setups?

My Object Oriented port of the original code allows for super easy swapping of the output method

I include examples for FastLED and SmartMatrix. It’s also used in the WLED usermod I wrote to embed AnimARTrix