May 27, 2015, 3:08pm
Here’s a few galleries from our collection of 32x32-pixel Animated GIFs. We’ll be adding more to this collection over time, so please check back.
This gallery has some duplicates from above, but also some unique content (Mario End Credits, Tron Legacy Demo):
This gallery from @mannymiller1 has some duplicates but a lot of new GIFs too:
Imgur galleries are supposed to show up with a preview of the content in the forum, but a forum bug is preventing this from working right now. When our forum software gets updated, imgur links should look much better.
May 27, 2015, 3:12pm
Here are a few videos I’ve made of SmartMatrix running different animations:
Tiny Barbarian by StarQuail Games: http://www.tinybarbarian.com
Tiny Barbarian on SmartMatrix - YouTube
Dino Run by Pixeljam: Dino Run 2
Dino Run animation on SmartMatrix - YouTube
June 2, 2015, 5:41pm
The fine folks at Pixeljam just sent me more 32x32 animated GIFs they made just for us. Pixeljam 32x32 Animated gifs 2 - Album on Imgur
August 6, 2015, 2:05pm
Added @mannymiller1 ’s collection to the wiki post
So, 32x32 was cool last year. Now the cool kids are doing 64x64.
My bestof collection:
More nice ones here, but those are a bit big if you don’t have an sdcard or have other memory issues: AnimatedGIFs/gifs/gifs64/big at master · marcmerlin/AnimatedGIFs · GitHub
and more here:
Animated GIFs on Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32 on top of FastLED::NeoMatrix, SmartMatrix::GFX, and SmartMatrix, using Sdcard, SPIFFS, and FatFS (FFAT) - AnimatedGIFs/gifs/gifs64/notkept at master · marcme...
Animated GIFs on Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32 on top of FastLED::NeoMatrix, SmartMatrix::GFX, and SmartMatrix, using Sdcard, SPIFFS, and FatFS (FFAT) - AnimatedGIFs/gifs/gifs64/notlookinggreat at master ...