Hi Everyone.
I’m dealing with an ESP-WROOM-32 [not using PSRAM] and a RGB Hub75 16x32 - 1/8 scan module.
Background color change seems to work fine but I having trouble with scrollingLayer… characters seems to be bad mapped (I just see lines instead of dots)…
I’m currently using HUB75_ADAPTER_PINOUT modified to my hardware pins [using Just ABC pins SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_16ROW_MOD8SCAN ]…
Hi Louis, Thx 4 the reply… No… Bitmaps [DEMO_MONO_BITMAP = 1] does not appear correctly, neither circles, rectangles, etc… just backgroundLayer.fillScreen() function works fine.
What’s the pixel pitch on your panel? Can you show a picture of the back, and maybe a picture or video of something displayed on the front?
Your panel may have non-standard mapping, which seems odd for a 16x32/8 panel. Try using the MultiRowRefreshMapping sketch that’s available in the “teensy4” branch of the SmartMatrix Library to reverse engineer the mapping on your panel and add a new mapping to the library.
Hi Louis
…still dealing with the panel…
I’ve discovered that C Address line is not used…
The MultiRowRefreshMapping.ino does not give to much info because it does’n work with this panel…
I have this debug info:
Starting SmartMatrix MallocsHeap/32-bit Memory Available: 362416 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block 8-bit/DMA Memory Available : 289076 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block SmartMatrix Layers Allocated from Heap:Heap/32-bit Memory Available: 357300 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block Starting SmartMatrix DMA Mallocssizeof framestruct: 00001800DMA Memory Available before ptr1 alloc: 270072 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block matrixUpdateFrames[0] pointer: 3FFB2688DMA Memory Available before ptr2 alloc: 270072 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block matrixUpdateFrames[1] pointer: 3FFB3E98Frame Structs Allocated from Heap:Heap/32-bit Memory Available: 343412 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block 8-bit/DMA Memory Available : 270072 bytes total, 124640 bytes largest free block Allocating refresh buffer:lsbMsbTransitionBit of 0 requires 98304 RAM, 124640 available, leaving 26336 free: Raised lsbMsbTransitionBit to 0/11 to fit in RAMlsbMsbTransitionBit of 0 gives 19 Hz refresh, 120 requested: lsbMsbTransitionBit of 1 gives 38 Hz refresh, 120 requested: lsbMsbTransitionBit of 2 gives 76 Hz refresh, 120 requested: lsbMsbTransitionBit of 3 gives 151 Hz refresh, 120 requested: Raised lsbMsbTransitionBit to 3/11 to meet minimum refresh rateDescriptors for lsbMsbTransitionBit 3/11 with 2 rows require 12288 bytes of DMA RAMSmartMatrix Mallocs CompleteHeap/32-bit Memory Available: 331092 bytes total, 113792 bytes
I am not sure if this is helpful because I used an Adafruit 32 x 16 RGB LED Matrix, not an HUB75. I connected my ESP-WROOM-32 to it and uploaded the Prottomatter library example named doublebuffer_scrolltext . This is the pin configuration that finally worked with the ESP-WROOM-32
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {25, 5, 15, 27, 26, 21}; // R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2
uint8_t addrPins[] = {22, 18, 23, 19}; // A, B, C, D
uint8_t clockPin = 13; // Clock Must be on same port as rgbPins. Don’t use 32 or higher for Clock.
uint8_t latchPin = 16;
uint8_t oePin = 17;