When I connected the ESP32 to dot matrix and ran the example code, it was confirmed that nothing came up.
However, I checked that it appeared on the display when I changed it to the connector of HUB75 and ran it.
The display you want to use uses a hub75e connector.
What’s the problem?
The library used ESP32-HUB75-Matrix Panel-DMA-master.
Examples of use are SimpleTestShapes.
and I change esp32-default-pins.hpp
#define R1_PIN_DEFAULT 25
#define G1_PIN_DEFAULT 26
#define B1_PIN_DEFAULT 27
#define R2_PIN_DEFAULT 14
#define G2_PIN_DEFAULT 12
#define B2_PIN_DEFAULT 13
#define A_PIN_DEFAULT 23
#define B_PIN_DEFAULT 19
#define C_PIN_DEFAULT 5
#define D_PIN_DEFAULT 17
#define E_PIN_DEFAULT 32 // IMPORTANT: Change to a valid pin if using a 64x64px panel.
#define OE_PIN_DEFAULT 15
#define CLK_PIN_DEFAULT 16