After watching some video i wanted to try using a led matrix to diplay some funy picture.
I started by following the instruction to connecte the led matrix to the esp32 and after removing the “//” in the exemple code FeatureDemo i launch it and the result i get is the picture below
I verify and reverify that the connection between the esp and the led matrix was ok but i can’t find any issue.
For the connection between the led matrix and the esp32 i just use wire for now since i want to test and the configuration that i use is the one provided in the MatrixHardware_ESP32_V0.h file and its the one for (GPIOPINOUT == ESP32_FORUM_PINOUT)
1 R0 2 Red Data (columns 1-16)
2 G0 15 Green Data (columns 1-16)
3 B0 4 Blue Data (columns 1-16)
4 GND GND Ground
5 R1 16/RX2 Red Data (columns 17-32)
6 G1 27 Green Data (columns 17-32)
7 B1 17/TX2 Blue Data (columns 17-32)
8 E 12 Demux Input E for 64x64 panels
9 A 5 Demux Input A0
10 B 18 Demux Input A1
11 C 19 Demux Input A2
12 D 21 Demux Input E1, E3 (32x32 panels only)
13 CLK 22 LED Drivers' Clock
14 STB 26 LED Drivers' Latch
15 OE 25 LED Drivers' Output Enable
16 GND GND Ground