Mapping Assistance 32x16 P10

Any chance you can make that patch for the teensy 3.0 -3.6 or 4.0-4.1.
Panels Are P10 32/16 3535 S2.
MultiRowRefreshMapping shows 2 red pixels instead of 1. See video!AOsCh0Jb3D6FdWA&cid=5DCB8F199836178F&id=5DCB8F199836178F!102062&parId=root&o=OneUp
I have this mapping with:
{0, 31, -8},
{0, 63, -8},
{0, 95, -8},
{0, 127, -8},
{2, 16, 8},
{2, 48, 8},
{2, 80, 8},
{2, 112, 8},
{4, 15, -8},
{4, 47, -8},
{4, 79, -8},
{4, 111, -8},
{6, 0, 8},
{6, 32, 8},
{6, 64, 8},
{6, 96, 8},
{0, 0, 0}

I can send you teensy and panel to test.

Thanks to a donation from @Erick_Martinez I was able to carve out some time to add support for his panel that uses “alt addressing”, and I improved on @Eric.H45’s patch so that it’s easy to add support for new panels that need alt addressing. The MultiRowRefreshMapping example has been updated with instructions on how to identify if you have a panel with alt addressing, and how to add the panel to SmartMatrix Library. If anyone gives this a try and has feedback, please let me know. Thanks again Erick and Eric!

Also thanks to @RickP for donating a panel that uses this alt addressing mode! It would have been extremely difficult to add full support without this panel

I wonder if any of the panels I was having issue with might be similar. Will have to have another go when I get a moment

Hi dear Muhammad, i have aldo run with the 16x32 panel 8, scan, this working when using (SMARTMATRIX_OPTIONS_NONE); is ok, when chaining 1 row panel,but is problem when chain more than 1 row.
I have try to sett the const uint8_t kMatrixOptions = (SMARTMATRIX_OPTIONS_BOTTOM_TO_TOP_STACKING); text is broken and when using (SMARTMATRIX_OPTIONS_C_SHAPE_STACKING) no dislay at all.
i am using ESP 32 Dev kit.
Could you pls help me?
Best regard


Panels 32x16 8 scan has trivial mapping and don’t need any special settings at all.
Look for the error in your code or connections

Hi b707, thanks for yr reply.
Yes, the panel is running well when using 1 row . I want to use 2 row x 6panels, could you pls inform the how to chaind this, beside Z chained?

Why are you not satisfied with the Z-connection? This is the standard

To run panels with non-stsndard chainings you need a specific library to support this connection.

i have try, but because the cable ribbon is too long,(from the end of row to row2) seem get some noise.
I use the standar panel 32x16, 8s, i think this is the standar p10 RGB panel.
Waiting for yr solution, pls.

What is your board?
According to library source this option is valid for Teensy3, Teensy4 and ESP32 boards only.

Do you mean controller board? i am using ESP 32 Dev Kit, and P10 RGB, 16x32-8s

I see you started a new topic regarding to the issue. Let’s wait for the answer of the authors of the library.

I can’t say exactly what is the reason of your problem with the Smartmatrix library. I’m using a different library that doesn’t have a C-type panel connection issue. But that library does not work on esp32