Problem on FM6124B 16x324SCAN

Hi there,

I am working on using SmartMatrix to drive a chain of 16x32 panels based on ESP32. I have identified the type panel is SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_16ROW_32COL_MOD4SCAN_V4. I measure Hub75 PINs, C and D are connected to GND.

My PINOUT is from mrfaptastic/ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA Display:

    #define R1_PIN  GPIO_NUM_25
    #define G1_PIN  GPIO_NUM_26
    #define B1_PIN  GPIO_NUM_27
    #define R2_PIN  GPIO_NUM_14
    #define G2_PIN  GPIO_NUM_12
    #define B2_PIN  GPIO_NUM_13

    #define A_PIN   GPIO_NUM_23
    #define B_PIN   GPIO_NUM_19
    #define C_PIN   GPIO_NUM_5
    #define D_PIN   GPIO_NUM_17
    #define E_PIN   -1
    #define LAT_PIN GPIO_NUM_4
    #define OE_PIN  GPIO_NUM_15

    #define CLK_PIN GPIO_NUM_16

The problem is when power is supplied normally, the display cannot show correct, more flickering and ghosting.

But when I cut off power, the display shows correctly, Like this:

Plus, same device to drive a chain of 16x324SCAN panels (ICN2038S - standard SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_16ROW_32COL_MOD4SCAN) is normal.

Must be something wrong, but I don’t known. Any suggestion appreciated!

Today I use ESP32 Dev Kit v1 to connect Hub75 directly without my shield. It works. The problem should be my shield.

Till now, FM6124B is proved to be supported correctly.


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