Spectrum analyzer incorrect on 32x96 matrix

Hi all,

Running smartmatrix 3.0, setting the appropriate global variables kMatrixWidth = 96; and
kMatrixHeight = 32, I’m seeing some issues trying the spectrum analyzer example. The audio input works fine, but the display is only on the last panel in the chain. actually, it’s the last panel plus 2-3 columns on the previous panel.

animated gifs also do some wacky things

the fastLED functions and the demo included in the smartmatrix 3 examples both work fine. for GIFs and the spectrum, it looks like everything plays in the third panel (last in the daisy chain), and does a slight mirror for half of the middle (2) panel. the teensy is plugged into panel #1 and receives no updates

Configuring AnimatedGIFs takes a few steps, including modifying a .cpp file to run larger than 32x32. Make sure you follow the configuration instructions. I know there’s a lot of comments at the top, it’s easy to overlook this. If it’s still not working, please post back.

 *  - update the "SmartMatrix configuration and memory allocation" section to match the width and height and other configuration of your display
 *  - Note for 128x32 and 64x64 displays - need to reduce RAM:
 *    set kRefreshDepth=24 and kDmaBufferRows=2 or set USB Type: "None" in Arduino,
 *    decrease refreshRate in setup() to 90 or lower to get good an accurate GIF frame rate
 *  - WIDTH and HEIGHT are defined in GIFParseFunctions.cpp, update to match the size of your GIFs
 *    only play GIFs that are size WIDTHxHEIGHT or smaller

I don’t have a 96x32 setup accessible right now, I’ll have to try this another time. I’ll make a note to try this and make a fix before the next SmartMatrix Library release.

this was it! I someone missed that ! thanks a ton.