I’m trying to get SmartMatrix 4 to work with a 64x64 HUB75 panel using Teensy 4.0, and Arduino 2.1.
I fired up the FeatureDemo, and set the definition to
#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy4_ShieldV5.h> // SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4 (V5)
#include <SmartMatrix.h>
#define COLOR_DEPTH 24 // Choose the color depth used for storing pixels in the layers: 24 or 48 (24 is good for most sketches - If the sketch uses type `rgb24` directly, COLOR_DEPTH must be 24)
const uint16_t kMatrixWidth = 64;
const uint16_t kMatrixHeight = 64;
const uint8_t kRefreshDepth = 36;
const uint8_t kDmaBufferRows = 4;
const uint8_t kPanelType = SM_PANELTYPE_HUB75_64ROW_MOD32SCAN;
and I get a lot of tearing, particularly when there’s a lot of red being displayed.
Any idea what’s going on?