Which library do I use for SmartMatrix?

In the example program Feature Demo for SmartMatrix, I included the library SmartMatrix
#include <SmartMatrix.h>
but when I compile, the pragma message displays this:
pragma message “SmartMatrix Library version 4.000.002”

I have BOTH libraries in the libraries folder, so which do I use? Should I delete the SmartMatrix library?

I was getting confused since I was making changes to SmartMatrix library and wondering why the changes were not being shown when I compiled (getting “not declared” errors.

SmartMatrix Library 4.x is the latest, most likely you should be using SmartMatrix Library 4 and not the outdated SmartMatrix Library 3. You can keep both in your libraries folder if you want, but if you don’t need SmartMatrix Library 3, it’s probably better to delete it to avoid confusion.

Some more notes: